Wednesday, September 10, 2008

La Poupee Modele I

Garth Lax has provided us with 15 photos of the Samy Odin exhibit. Here are the first five, along with Garth's notes on each one:

"The first one has a double-sided doll with dresses and hats.
The costumes, in royal purple and medium green, are particularly elegant. The round or curved folding base is a style used often by La Poupee Modele."

"The second one is entitled 'No. 5 La Vieillesse' (The Elderly One), and has a doll plus a double-sided costume with children. The subtitle is 'Madeleine Desenne, grandmother spoiling her grandchildren.' "

"The third one, entitled 'Costumes de Madame,' shows dresses and headpieces only. Because of the tabs, it must fit a doll that appeared in an earlier issue of La Poupee Modele."

"The fourth one is titled, 'Boulevart des Italiens.' It has a somewhat unusual construction of the doll and costume."

"The fifth one has double-sided dresses and hats only. Again, because of the tabs, the corresponding doll must have been in an earlier issue. While I did a poor job of framing the photograph, just look at the depth of color in those costumes!"

Thank you Garth, for providing us with this excellent record of Samy's fine collection.

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