Sunday, June 22, 2008

The Artists Gallery: Kim Brecklein

I remember reading a wonderful essay by Kim Brecklein in Paper Doll Review a few years back, in which she described her childhood memories of playing with paper dolls. I searched for Kim's work and web site, to no avail -- she was on hiatus.

Lucky for us, she is back in a big way, and she will be attending the convention in August--yes, a mere 6 weeks away! Kim's paper doll books reflect an enormous amount of research; her detail is phenomenal.

There's a story behind each outfit in "Jazz Age Sisters," and the narrative Kim has constructed around Rorey and Arden is fascinating--in addition she provides a historical context with a timeline of the early 1920s that rounds out the whole presentation. This is one of three Brecklein works in my collection; I also have "Kitty Dale: 1959" and "The Way We Wore: 1969." If I were a school teacher, I would buy these in bulk to jumpstart a history lesson.

From Kim: "I'm planning to bring 4 books - one of them will be a new release at the convention."

Can't wait to see!

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